Lost Your Mojo? Low Libido Isn’t A Bad Thing

3 minutes

Not in the mood? We don’t blame you – one peek at the glistening bodies and hypersexual icons of pop culture and you might be fooled into thinking that everyone’s sexual appetite is insatiable. But what’s happening on the ground is anything but.

Did you know that we all experience sporadic levels of desire and that intimacy is sorely lacking for most people? In fact, one in every three women in the US feel it. Heck, even up to 20% of men, too. So why aren’t we talking about it more?

Having a low libido is common

Phew – yes, that was an audible sigh of relief you heard! There’s still quite a bit of shame around sex, often perpetuated by stigma, but a low libido might happen by choice. Even if you’ve invested in sex toys and personal lubricants, if you’re not ‘feeling it’, you likely won’t enjoy it!

There are a range of things that affect how high your sex drive is that don’t have anything to do with your relationship, sexual orientation or your gender identity.

What causes low libido?

If sex has taken a back seat in your life lately, don’t panic – chances are it won’t last forever. For starters, your lack of drive might be due to:

  • Any medications you’re taking.
  • Imbalances in your hormones.
  • Your level of self-esteems.
  • Any shame you might be feeling around your desires.
  • Stress and anxiety from your lifestyle.

It could also be the phase of your life – your libido can change as you get older, so if you’re craving less sex, it’s not the end of the world. You might not need to have sex every single day, you could be satisfied with mindblowing sex every now and then. Try to think in terms of quality sex, not quantity.

Want to boost your libido? Try this…

If you’re not satisfied with your sex drive, you don’t have to just accept it. There are things you can do, such as:

  • Ask yourself honestly: “am I happy with how much sex I’m having?” That way you can make a plan to address it.
  • Ask your partner honestly: “how can we keep the fire burning so sex remains a big part of our relationship?” They may have ideas you haven’t considered.
  • Visit your local sex shop; take a scroll through the SKYN® website for tips, tutorials and more; and ask questions. Find out what sex toys might enhance your experience (we’re big fans of personal lubricants).
  • Book an appointment with a sex therapist – they can, in an unbiased way, help you get to the core of what’s going on.
  • Take a microscope to your life to see what habits are serving you and which ones are draining your energy. Your sleep, diet and movement practices are crucial to your wellbeing and (spoiler alert) they affect your libido. Don’t assume you need hormone therapy – start by making small, incremental changes and see what happens.
  • Create positive affirmation about your sex drive that go against what society wants you to believe. It’s not slutty to have a lot of sex. It’s also not prudish to not want to have it as much. Dictate your own destiny – own your sexuality!

It doesn’t matter where you sit on the spectrum of sexuality: be gentle with yourself. And when you’re in the mood to play and step things up a notch, we’ve got you covered. Start by exploring the range of SKYN® condoms, then see where the pleasure leads you!